With your donation to the Restoration House of Safe Haven you help us to rescue lives!
You are able to make a monthly donation for "recurrence" in the amounts to the values:
USD 4,00 | USD 20,00 |
USD 7,50 | USD 25,00 |
USD 12,50 | USD 37,50 |
USD 17,50 | USD 50,00 |
USD 75,00 | USD 125,00 |
The donation for recurrence will be monthly and can be cancelled at any time. The amount chosen will be debited monthly in your credit card, without interfering in the limit. The donation can be made through the following cards:

Non-perishable food may be delivered to our administrative headquarters at Sebastião da Silva Leite Street, 1,145, center of Assis - SP.
You can also contact us by phone +55 (18) 3323-4778 to see if we can collect the products..

You can collaborate by donating clothes, furniture, leftovers from your store stock, building materials, appliances, books, etc.
To make a contribution, just contact us by phone +55 (18) 3323-4778 or by email
Every contribution is welcome! Collaborate

My event supporting this cause.
Types of events that may be in solidarity with our cause:
- Weddings
- Wedding Anniversary
- Birthdays
- Corporative Events
- Others
How can I collaborate??
Click here to get in touch via email

You and your company can allocate part of your income tax to help the Restauration Community and rescue lives.
Who can donate:
- Individuals who make income tax return by complete model.
- Legal entities that make income tax return by the actual profit model.
It is very easy and simple. You or your accountant can contact us and we will give you all the necessary guidance.
The donations will be made through the COMUD - Municipal Council on Drugs of Assis, which will pass on the donated values to the Comunidade Restauração.